Heya' Fellys!
As you may know by now, The Island is having a MASSIVE "upgrade" on January 3rd! But what will this "upgrade" have? Here's a list of some of MANY the new updates!
Beach Revamp!
When you head on down to the Beach next year, you will notice the room has been MASSIVELY revamped! A wooden boardwalk guides you along the shore, and will feature a smoothie stand, a surf hut where you can buy surfboards and go surfing, the tour guide booth, and of course, a large place to swim!
Four New Rooms!
That's right- FOUR new rooms will be introduced right when the new version opens. First, the Peninsula, located to the left of the Beach, you can access the Welcome Atoll, swim, and more! For the first time since April 2011, a room will be opening up to the left of the Shopping Plaza- That being the River Park! Here, you can go fishing, access the News Room, and more! At the Pier, you can access the NEW Bowling Alley, and the Music Store. You can also perform music on stage, spin the Daily Wheel, and check out the GREAT view of the ocean!
Videos In-game!
The Islandwood Theater has a new purpose- It will now show a featured video on the wall that you can watch with other Fellys, OR you can scroll down and see a list of TI's official OR community videos!
Item Collections!
At the Clothing Store, you can access this month's clothing collections, or browse the catalog for temporary items! In January, you will be able to obtain "geek" themed items!
Better Navigation!
Navigating The Island will never be easier! You have MANY ways to move around now. Instead of having to use the map every time you want to join a new outdoor room, you can now:
-Click on the arrow signs seen in each outdoor room to join the room in that direction
-Open up the Felly Phone and use the "Call for Jetpack" app to get a lift to an outdoor room
-Fast travel from one side of TI to the other via boat
If you are lost, open up the menu & click "Map", a large arrow will point towards the room that your Islander is currently in!

Interactive Objects!
When you hover over an object in a room, you may either hear a sound, see it change, or both! For example, hover over the basketball at the Auditorium to dribble it!
Weekly Poll Returns!
The Weekly Poll will make a return for the first time since December 29th, 2015, this time, as a Felly Phone app! Check back every week for a new question!
New Chat System!
Chatting with other Islanders will be a much better experience! At the bottom right of every room, there will be a chat bubble- Click it & select a user to begin chatting with them! If you want a group chat, just select "New group chat" and choose which islander you want to have a group convo with!
A Noisier Island!
The Island will no longer be a mostly mute game- As of right now, The Island only has sounds when you are in a room with ambience/music, and if you hover over a button or open a lightbox. Starting January 3rd, you will now hear sounds all over the place! Opening doors, interacting with objects, clicking to zoom, and more- A much needed upgrade to help make the game feel more alive!
Keep Track!
On your Islander's playercard, as you play, you will be able to keep track of what badges you've unlocked and what pets you own!
Quests are the "big" new feature for The Island's upgrade, the first one will be assigned by Piason, and she wants you to get proof that a sea monster exists below the Beach! These quests will be temporary in-game, but can still be played once they are gone via a new Felly Phone app- You just won't get the prize.
I hope you are as excited for the new TI as I am- Don't forget, beta testing begins December 15th!