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Archipelago Games Blog

Top 28 Parties! #14: April Fools' Party 2012!

Heya' Fellys!

It's time to continue our countdown! Today, the April Fools' Party from March 2012 comes in at number 14!

This party was SO bad... It shouldn't even be on this list! There was poop, bathrooms... SO IMMATURE!!! If you were at this party, you probably HATED this.

This party introduced a not-so iconic character to The Island, named PJH, who was at the time known as Pizza- He was just pizza. How creative...

The Beach was upside down, without water- Why is it a Beach then!? A beach with no water!? Boooriiing! The Arcade had inverted colors... Visually unappealing! The Restaurant and Lighthouse were poorly drawn- Lighthouse had spray paint style, and the Restaurant had a pixel style... Again, visually unappealing!!!

Fellys could have a terrible time at dimensions such as the Crab Dimension, Door Dimension, Shape Dimension, and Pizza Dimension- Why you'd want to go to any of these is beyond me. Oh yeah, and did I mention the debut of another Felly, a lame mascot, named Crazy-AL? REALLY!? More like a crazily stupid idea.

If you didn't figure it out already- Everything I said in this post was sarcasm, Fellys actually adored this party and it is remembered pretty well!

Did you attend this party? Do you remember going across each dimension?

Come back tomorrow as we continue the countdown with #13!

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