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Archipelago Games Blog

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The Magenta Crab!

Heya' Fellys!

So, on May 7th, the Crab Party 2019 will start! And with that party, Z-Stone will be putting the Magenta Crab up for adoption!

He has provided us with some information on this Crab.

Personality: Loves animals! Likes acting cute, and being cute!

This Crab is 0.5% friendlier than any other Crab on The Island. (30% nicer than the Orange Crab... But don't tell them!)

They will be available for Members only, and would LOVE to make new friends with any other pets you have!

The Magenta Crab goes up for adoption at the Pet Shop starting May 7th, 2019!

Only on...


May 06, 2019

@ElSenorTI The Magenta Crab will be great, yes!


May 06, 2019

I think I am really going to like the magenta crab, is a very mild mannered crab from what I have read.

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