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Archipelago Games Blog

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The Island Trivia: Unique Rooms!

Heya' Fellys!

Did you know that The Island has several unique rooms? Some are easy to find, while a few others are tricky to spot.

One of our unique rooms is the Fire Dojo- And out of any element dojo we've picked this one because it takes place on a Volcano! This one is not hard to find at all, though.

Another one is the Floating Island Dimension, and... I'm not saying how to find this one.

Last one I'll mention is the Pumpkin Cave! To find this, you have to go to Industrial, enter the cave, and go towards the Pumpkin Cave sign! This is where the Pumpkin Monster used to be.

That's all for this week's The Island Trivia! What's your favorite unique room?

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