Heya' Fellys!

It’s almost that time of the year! Fellys start spooking, The Island starts cooling, the leaves start falling, and… The trick or treaters come out to get candy for HALLOWEEN! During the Halloween Party 2021, several rooms are transformed into a village so Fellys can trick or Treat!
But, how can you be a good trick or treater? Or, maybe you don’t know where to get candy. Well, here is a guide to make sure you have an AWESOME trick or treating experience this October on The Island!
-If you’re giving candy:
Head to Downtown, and go inside the Candy Store to purchase some candy!
Then, go to a room that looks like a Village, like the Boardwalk Plaza, then enter a house, and start giving out candy!
-If you’re trick or treating:
Go to the Clothing Store at the Shopping Plaza and purchase any of the available costumes, or choose from your existing outfits that you already own, just make sure you’re either spooky, creative, etc!
Then, head outside to a decorated room with houses, and pick a house to walk up to and shout “TRICK OR TREAT!” Oh no, but what if it’s a trick? I heard there’s always ONE house at the Boardwalk Plaza that gives out nothing but tricks.. So beware!
Get as much candy as you can from the houses, and be sure to share some with your friends you’ve trick or treated with, if you brought anyone.
That’s all of what needs to be known when Fellys go out for trick or treating on Halloween this year. Happy Halloween Fellys, enjoy the party until it ends November 2nd!