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Archipelago Games Blog

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The Island Throwback Thursday: Dance Club!

Heya' Fellys!

For today's Throwback Thursday, we are checking out the history of the Dance Club!

In early August 2011, construction appeared at the Lake, and no Felly knew what it was for.

Fellys speculated it was a Boat Shop, or some type of mini-event. On August 17th, 2011, the construction was finished, and Fellys quickly entered the new, popular room, the Night Club.

And, yes, back then it was called the Night Club, however quickly changed to the "Dance Club".

Back then, the Dance Club wasn't really great looking. The room was colorful, the DJ table was pretty weird looking. In January 2012, the interior got a renovation to look much better.

The room has a pretty nice history for party decorations, too!

Sky Festival 2011 decorations:

Christmas Party 2011 decorations:

And plenty more cool decorations.

In November 2012, the interior was renovated once again:

In August 2013, the room got hit by a meteor, and had to be rebuilt, causing a slight renovation again:

In July 2014, the room was renovated yet again, this time, giving the interior a completely new design, and a round dance floor:

The last time it was renovated was May 2nd, 2017, where, yet again, the interior was completely changed:

Most Fellys seem to be happy with today's Dance Club, and it will most likely not be changed again for a long time.

The Dance Club is definitely the best spot for Fellys to party, and features an Island Playlist filled with plenty of music, so visit there when you want to dance to a bunch of songs!

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