Heya' Fellys!

You may be curious about what the title of this blog post means- No, this has nothing to do with the room found on The Island- If you don't know what an "Iceberg" is, it's a trend that's seen with many games lately, and each "layer" of the Iceberg has different easter eggs, missing things, facts, or creepy things about the game, the deeper the Iceberg is into the water, the lesser known each fact is. I took inspiration from seeing these, and decided to do one for The Island! So, for today, we will be looking at the top of the Iceberg.

I will be explaining each one, the best I can. There's a lot for us to cover in one blog post, which is why we are splitting these up. Let's start... How many will you know?
"Theislandofficial YouTube"
This is The Island's oldest YouTube channel, and was replaced with a newer one in early 2013. This channel ran from October 2011 through late 2012, and had many unseen artwork and old "animations" on it.
"Karate Infinity"
Karate Infinity is basically a Karate game, but doesn't exist. However, the "element" does, and the only known Infinity Ninja is, of course, Salaman, who will never allow Fellys to learn the powers of Infinity, so Karate Infinity will never be a real thing.
"Missing Sky Festival 2011 Lake Image"
During the Sky Festival 2011, the Lake WAS decorated. However, the image of it was lost, and nobody's seen it since November of that year. Not even I have seen it since. However, the only bits of it we have is from this sneak peek before the party showing it:

And an unseen blueprint sketch I made of the room during the party:

I can give an idea of how it looked. Around the grass was a large gate so Fellys couldn't fall, and there was a skydiving area in the middle of the ground, similar to the Sky Festival 2012- Next to the ladder, there was a cloud sign saying "DANCE ON REAL CLOUDS", with the ladder taking you up to the Dance Club. That is pretty much all I know about it, otherwise the drawing itself and what else it had has been missing and will never be seen again, unfortunately. (The reason we'll never see it again is because the image was uploaded to Tinypic instead of Photobucket- PB was down so it was forced to be uploaded to Tinypic, which doesn't store pictures and is now shut down.)
"Missing April Fools & ST. Patrick's Party 2011 Images"
Similar to the previous one, except there is literally nothing about these. They were deleted from Photobucket due to the account being inactive- However, I can say that these parties only took place at the Pet Shop & didn't have it redrawn from scratch- The Pet Shop was all green and had a stage on the right for ST. Patrick's, and... I can't remember anything about the April Fools' decor.
"Missing 2010 Crab Rooms"
When The Island was in experimental stages in December 2010/January 2011, there were rooms for Crabs only, when it was known as the Crab Party. To this day, we only have images of the Green, Brown, and Purple Crab Rooms. The images that were removed were of the Red, Blue, Orange, and White Crabs. The White Crab room was LITERALLY all white and had the White Crab sledding down a mountain, as other White Crabs were looking through a window watching them. The Red Crab room was a small Arcade interior, and had a bunch of arcade machines. I don't remember anything about the Blue or Orange Crab rooms.
"The Actual Rarest Item"
Many Fellys think the 1st Anniversary Hat is the rarest item to have on The Island- This is false, the actual rarest item is the Brown V.I.P Pass, handed out at The Island's first party, the Music Festival 2011.
Earth is a mystery to Fellys, as it is the hardest to reach out of any planet. Blade also does not want any Felly going there, implying he secretly knows that humans exist (More on humans in another Iceberg post.)
"Christmas Party 2010"
There was a Christmas Party in 2010, decorating only one Crab room, however the image of this hasn't been seen for nearly 10 years. Unfortunately, it is in fact lost forever.
"Aqua Crab (2012 Ver.)"
Before it's release earlier this year, the Aqua Crab was originally going to be a new Crab on January 1st, 2012, and could even be seen sometimes.
"The Island: Planets"
A cancelled spinoff of The Island, which was open from October 2017 - March 2018, and would of had different planets accessible with puzzles to solve each one. The game itself was replaced with missions (First mission releasing June 2020.)
"Mysterious Volcano Island"
This mysterious island was revealed to be Kraken Island in July 2020, and was going to be accessed via the Felly Cruise, however, the Kraken was sighted at the Supply Room/Boardwalk and Fellys had to attack it after realizing it was controlled by Dusk the entire time. The island itself could be seen from the Shore from 2018 - 2020, and it is believed that this island is another one owned by Dusk.
"Maroon Crab (2012 Ver.)"
The Maroon Crab released in 2016, however, it was originally going to be adoptable at the Crab Party 2012. There was even an outer background showing the Crab.

Of course, the Crab never released, and remained a rumor for 4 years!
"Dark Red Crab"
One of the most famous and well known mysteries of The Island, is the possible existence of a Dark Red Crab that isn't hostile. Z-Stone had been looking for years, and never found one. The only known Dark Red Crab is Dark Redd, who lives on Guitar Island and is part of the Bend Band. Ever since early 2011, Fellys have been wondering about the existence of such a thing- We know it exists, but is there more than 1?
"Blade's Laboratory"
No, this isn't about the Laboratory itself, but Blade's Room located in a cave hidden in the Lab itself. Blade's Room has been a mystery since 2016, and no Felly has ever seen it. The room appears in the "Codeword Test" mission released in June 2020, however, the power is out and the room is pitch black due to Dusk cutting the power- So, technically, the room has never been seen by any Felly.
"DJ Fellrox's First Name"
DJ Fellrox's real name was thought to be just "DJ" ever since he had debuted, or, when his stage name changed, many thought it was actually Fell3, or Rox. In 2018, it was revealed by him that his first name is Scratch.
Mel is a Felly who owns the Dance Club, however, she has never been seen on The Island itself- This is because she lives on Guitar Island, and doesn't want to be seen by any Felly to avoid having the "fame treatment". Instead, there is only one image that is hung up at the Club Attic, for credit.
"The Kraken"
As stated further above, the Kraken's existence is unconfirmed, and the only sightings of it was Dusk's Krakenbot. Otherwise, it's never been seen.
"Beyond The Minecart Cave"
What is beyond the minecart rails? Why is no Felly allowed in there? At the Halloween Party 2019, it was revealed that entering the Minecart Cave would take you to a tunnel, home to Rusk, who hasn't been seen since 2015 and Fellys finally got the answer: No Felly could access because Rusk lives here, to avoid him from attacking .
And that is all for today! Join us soon as we go deeper into The Island's Iceberg, where things will get more interesting!