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Archipelago Games Blog

The Island Iceberg: Diving In!

Heya' Fellys!

Welcome back to the Island Iceberg series, where we dive into an Iceberg and it's many mysteries surrounding The Island, featuring easter eggs, missing things, and more!

Today, we are entering the water. If you missed the last blog post about this, you can click here to check it out!

Okay. Let's continue- How many do you know?


"Invader Zim 2011 "Visit""

Oh my. Explanation! So, in early 2011, we held a birthday party for one of our TI staff members, and he was a big fan of Invader Zim- Just like me! So, since I was also a fan, I decided that during that birthday party, we can hold a special "visit" (non-canon) from Invader Zim & Gir. I even went ahead and drew Zim.

Again, this was in early 2011...



Teacer was a planned mascot from early 2011 that was scrapped before she could even appear. As her name suggests, she was going to be a teacher. How boring would it be to have a teacher as a mascot, though?


"DJ Fell3"

This one's strange. So, DJ Fell3 is known as DJ Fellrox nowadays. But back in the early days of 2012 - 2014, he was known as DJ "Fell3"- You may be wondering what's so weird about this. Well, if you take a look at how he looked back then, you may have noticed he resembles a cartoon character, that goes by the name of... DJ Pon-3. Yes, DJ Fell3 was "inspired" by DJ Pon-3.


"2006 Dancy SWF"

Dancy was recently referenced in The Island itself- In the Art Class, on the picture frame & drawing board, you can see the characters drawn in my style from it! Well, let me explain... The 2006 Dancy SWF (Now deleted) was a shockwave flash animation made in August 2006, but first seen by me around the time of October 2010 - January 2011. The animation's characters inspired the design of Fellys for The Island, which is why it's so special to me! Here is a screenshot of the SWF, since I can't post the video itself:


"2014 House Village"

Originally in 2014, Houses would be a feature added in March. The idea was QUICKLY scrapped, however, but drawings of the Beach and Village from 2014 still exist! Here is what they look like:

The Beach was basically it's normal design, but had streamers to celebrate the opening of the House Village. As I said, though, this went unused and never happened until 2016.


"Lake Alley"

Speaking of unused rooms... In 2012, after the "Town Alley" (Now named Beacon Bay) opened, there was going to be a Cityline Alley AND A Lake Alley. The Lake Alley would of opened in April, however, it never did- There were even planned decorations for it for the Music Festival 2012! Here's how it looked normal and with decor:

As you can see, the room would of also included a Laundromat (suggested by El) and a Cafe, which actually is a room to this day at the Park!


"Felly World"

In 2016, Felly World was the name of a game I planned to release... After A LOT of brainstorming. Over the years, I've drawn some sketches of how the rooms would look, and how the characters would look! Recently, I got the news out there after 4 long years (Almost 5!) and called it "Felly Island", which is opening January 19th, 2021!



A human has NEVER been seen on The Island, or Nibiru. It is rumored that the only Felly that has seen humans is Blade, which is why he advises Fellys to NEVER visit planet Earth.


"Earth Hour Party 2013"

Back then, it was thought that The Island took place on Earth... That whole thing changed, though, we are actually on Nibiru, and the Fellys knew it and everything... So why was an Earth Hour Party held in 2013? Perhaps Blade wanted it to celebrate Earth or something, nobody knows.


"Felly Haze"

Felly Haze is just a thought. What would Haze look like as a Felly? We've already seen Dusk as a Felly, and Salaman is a Demon too, but he's always been a Felly- We've never seen him in his demon form. So what does Haze look like as a Felly?


"Felly Cambria"

A Felly Cambria is what you played as on The Island: Planets. You weren't quite a Felly, but you were similar in some ways. Felly Cambrias have eyeballs, antennas, ears, wider arms, hands, wider legs, wider feet, as well as other features.

Fellys will look similar in Felly Island, but won't be "Felly Cambrias", they will just be "Fellys".


"The Beatles 2011 "Visit""

Similar to the Invader Zim "visit", this was for another staff member who loves The Beatles. So, oddly, I decided to have them... Visit... non-canonically... For him? Yeah, strange, I know.


"Source Felly"

Source Felly was basically the bot that appeared at the Town Center, and helped you with changing your icon, name, etc. Not much else to it.


"Missing 2011 Crabplayhouse Image"

In 2011, there was a side-chat for The Island known as the Crab Playhouse. This, like many other temporary 2011 rooms, had an image that was uploaded to Tinypic, and therefore can no longer be seen- It's gone forever. The room featured a BIG open area, with toys for each Crab- The Dark Red Crab played with cardboard buildings, the Red Crab played with arcade machines, the Pink Crab had a garden, the Purple Crab had an aisle, the Orange Crab had a skating ramp, etc etc.


"Rainbow Crab (2011 Ver.)"

During the Medieval Party 2011, there was a scrapped "quest" that Fellys could go on, and at the end, they would win a Rainbow Crab. Of course, like I said, this was scrapped, but the artwork of the 2011 Rainbow Crab still exists!

Yikes... Different, huh?



The Cove was a scrapped room that would of been accessible via the bridge seen at the Lake in mid-2011. It was never released because I had 0 other ideas for the room, and it was kinda pointless. Here's how it was supposed to look:



Crablets are baby Crabs that were rumored to exist, however, surprisingly, THEY DO. Baby Crabs, DUH, but you can't adopt them. Why wouldn't baby Crabs exist?


"Bat Crabs"

Now something more bizarre than Crablets for sure are "Bat Crabs", who have only been "sighted" one time, and that was Halloween night in 2013. Other than that, there have been no other reports ever since of a Bat Crab sighting, nor proof of one existing.



Felinds haven't been seen for a while, but they were mostly around in late 2011 early 2012. Felinds are pitch black looking Fellys with bright white eyeballs and red eyes, with white arms and white legs, one arm being incredibly longer than the other. No explanation can be made on where these things ran off to, or where they even came from.



From April 2013 to July 2014, a Felly playing a piano non-stop could be seen at the Restaurant. The identity of this Felly remains unknown to this day- Nobody knows who he is or where he went, he only just goes by... "Pianist".


"Pet Shop Attic"

In early 2012, there was going to be an attic next to the Pet Shop, storing items from each party that The Island has. The idea was scrapped, and a gray abandoned building sat aside the Pet Shop for 8-9 months! This is how the room was going to look:


"Talking Crabs"

In early 2011, Crabs could talk. They can't anymore. Why? Dark Redd's attack in May that same year. Ever since, nice Dark Red Crabs couldn't be found and Crabs could no longer use words.


"Pixie Dust"

Pixie Dust is a character made by me back in 2012, for a fake TV series on The Island known as "Bacon", she's made several cameos in-game on TV and even could be seen at the Beacon Bay during the Medieval Party in September 2020! Her first appearance was on TV at the Lounge in January 2012.


"First Felly Drawing"

The first ever drawing of a Felly was seen in a membership ad for June 2011.


"2012 Lighthouse Still Exists"

It's true! The same exact Lighthouse that hasn't been renovated AT ALL since early 2012 is still around... But inaccessible to most Fellys. During Dusk Week in May 2013, Dusk stole the Lighthouse using some flying machine, and ever since then, it's been sitting there on Dusk's Island. Probably has cobwebs by now... Fun fact, in 2016, I redrew the Lighthouse itself, in the latest artstyle (But keeping the same 2012 charm, of course.)

For comparison... Here is how it looked in 2012:


"Demon Salaman"

As mentioned in the Felly Haze part, Demon Salaman has NEVER been seen, nor will it ever be seen- Who knows?



Yourhousetoday was a chat from July 2011 that was a test of Houses. Similar to the scrapped 2014 House Village, this never happened and Fellys had to wait longer to get a house.

Well, that about does it today! Next up, we are going even deeper, and looking at things like more retro chats, an underwater Crab monster, an awards show on... Dusk's Island?... And... And more!

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