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Archipelago Games Blog

The Island 2024 Recap!

Heya' Islanders!

2024 is coming to a close in just under a week. Time flies, doesn't it? Let's take a look back at each month we've experienced this year on The Island!



The fun began with the return of a classic: The Mountain Climb! After not having been celebrated since 2019, the event was definitely welcomed back with some love! Every single Mountain room had a massive overhaul whilst still being faithful to the classic event. Fellys could purchase ski gear and mountain climbing gear at the Island Central before they began their journey to the top. After solving all the puzzles, Fellys could have a ski race with each other down the mountain with 4 different slopes!

At the end of the month, Fellys could finally play Checkers & Felly Four at the Lighthouse!



Zachary and his friends discovered Hermit Crabs a while before this, however, now they could officially be adopted!

While the Crab Party was going on, TI+ members could board Lando's Ship (which has recently been named "The Clover" per popular vote by Fellys in January) to Shell Island, where they could discover the Tan Hermit Crab and officially adopt one!

Later that month, Fellys could check out the newly renovated Pet Store (Whilst we also said goodbye to the Gopper Lounge & Pet Store Patio, as well as the ability to keep Goppers and Fish as pets), all while celebrating TI's 13th anniversary!



March was a great month for Stan Zavior and Yesterfesterfitz! Fellys could celebrate the first ever Stan Zavior Parade while learning more about his family at the Zavior Family Museum! TI+ members could also join in on the main parade float with Stan Zavior himself!

Later that month, Yesterfesterfitz held his very first Yesterfester Festival!

It was basically a bonus party themed for April Fools' day (formerly celebrated by Crazy-Al, hello Al!), Fellys noticed a lot of wacky things across The Island, including the Restaurant becoming the Pizzeria and the Pizzeria becoming the Restaurant, however the Pizzeria still took you to the Park and the Restaurant took you to the Island Central... Boy would that make me dizzy. Oh, and also, the Egg Hunt was going on at the Crab Capital to celebrate Goppers!



Arrr, we be findin' treasure in May! Organized by Lando, the Jungle Party: Treasure Quest was celebrated in the eastern part of The Island. Splash officially made his return after not being seen since 2021, we learned he was busy making the Splash Cruise (we'll get to that later in the blog post), and that he was also attacked by a Felind on his island, causing the loss of his eye.

Speaking of Fellys not seen in a while, Teaky stepped foot on The Island itself for the first time since February 2012! He had to overcome his fear of ships and finally made his way onto our land again before heading back home in June.



The Island Jam, as always, rocked The Island in the Summer! It was filled with all new things including a new design for Nedd's House, he hasn't changed it since July 2013, fair to say it was overdue for a remodel. Guitar Island also got a makeover, as well as the two spots the Bend Band travelled to on tour!

Fellys also said goodbye to the Dance Club, which had been open since August 2011- It would eventually be replaced by the Tropical Dance Party!



Every four years, The Island hosts the Fellimpic Games! This year, unlike 2020, it was not a competition, and was only held for fun! Fellys could "compete" in paintball, archery, weightlifting, and long jump! This is the first Fellimpic Games event to be hosted by Pecks, who showed off his new look at the party!



Splash (Steve Sailor) is back cruising to The Island! Fellys could finally board the long-awaited revamped Felly Cruise (the Splash Cruise), and had all types of fun dining in the Aquarium Diner, as well as splashing around and having some last-minute Summer fun at the Ship Deck Water Park!

While the Cruise was docked, The Island held the first-ever Island Carnival, with plenty of minigames to play and prizes to collect!



Halloween haunts The Island every year in October, and 2024 was no different- The Island was transformed into a spooky, dark Autumn town with plenty of tricks and treats!

This year, the Laboratory was haunted, and Fellys had to see what was up. Over at the Lighthouse Cliff, brave Islanders became ghost hunters and searched around for ghosts and clues- They had discovered that the Laboratory wasn't haunted at all, it was just one of Blade's newest inventions malfunctioning!

Later in October, the Tropical Beach Party was finally opened, and Fellys could dance outside and listen to music just like at the Dance Club!



It was a very Merry Island to all who stuck with The Island through 2024; rewarded from Sant Zavior with fun gifts and a winter wonderland! While the nostalgia of 2011's Merry Island may be gone, the new decor gives way for brand new memories to be had!


What's Next?

And now, for some huge news. At the start of the new year, we will soon approach the 14th anniversary of The Island. In January, newcomer Lloyd will kick off the new year with the Festival of Cryptids.

In February, Fellys can check out the rare night-time snowfall on normal TI, with fun Winter themed decor!

Beyond that, for Spring, the current version of The Island will be getting replaced by the brand new, recently announced "Destination Island"!

This new take on The Island features your Islander in outdoor destinations, on the same island, but with less rooms, more interactable spots, more customization, quests, and much more to be announced!

Expect this "brand new" game to release in Spring 2025, I cannot wait to share more info, so stay tuned!

Thanks for reading!

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