Heya' Fellys!
It's time for a big blog post- A recap of almost everything that happened this year for The Island! Well, the bigger things that happened, not everything. We'll be looking back at things like the Iceberg mystery event, the 10th anniversary party, the Dark Green Crab discovery, and more! Let's get started!
To kickoff the new year, the Iceberg was renovated in time for the Iceberg Mysteries Party! With the release of the party, The Island's 2nd mission also released on January 12th! Fellys had to place detection signals around The Island to track Dusk's movement while Fellys dug into the Iceberg to get a machine!

New games such as Emote Matcher and Dusk's Maze, were also released on the Felly Phone!
The big update this month was the opening of Yesterfester Island, where Fellys could play Yesterfester's new game show, Yesterfester's Quizfest!

February kicked off right away with the big 10th Anniversary Party! Fellys could explore throwback rooms, watch Nedd and Blade reunite for the first time in years at the Lighthouse, see PJH and Piason in their return, go on a hat hunt, unlock items everyday, and of course, celebrate at the Pet Store with the 10th Party Hat and a huge birthday cake!

During the party, Blade allowed Fellys to access his room for the first time ever, as long as you had the code for it! In the room was another room that is a treat for Fellys who miss the "Old The Island"!
On February 28th, The Island's 10th anniversary, the Bakery was opened as The Island's 100th room, and the Rainbow Gopper was officially adoptable after being discovered in a machine under the iceberg!

In March, we had to clean up the mess all the Fellys made at the anniversary party. It took two months! Just kidding, in true TI fashion, the party ended without any issues cleaning up! However, behind the scenes, construction Fellys were hard at work on renovating the Beacon Bay!

Fellys then kept the green tradition alive with the ST. Patrick's Party, celebrating Stan Zavior once again, with a parade, logs, and more! At the party, Fellys discovered a Dark Green Crab at the Town Center, which could later be adopted when Camp Harlan opened in June!

On the same day that the party started, Fellys also ran to the Furniture Store where they could buy new furniture inspired by baseball, ST. Patrick's Day, and Easter!

Later that month, construction Fellys completed renovations for several rooms like the Lighthouse Cliff, Lighthouse, the Fire and Snow Dojo, the Coffee Shop and the Pizzeria, and opened a new room at the Cliff known as the History Museum!

That same day, Fellys were celebrating Crazy AL's favorite holiday, April Fools' Day! Many Fellys fell for the ol' clickbait after heading into the Dark Red Crab dimension believing they would be able to adopt the long awaited Dark Red Crab, but nope! Fooled! All they got was a series of messages from what is believed to be Blade!

Don't let the image distract you, there are more interesting things that happened this year, moving on!
We skipped April because absolutely nothing happened- May was a Crab Party and the Yellow Crab won COTY, but not much else. Moving on...
In June, Fellys absolutely ROCKED The Island with brand new stage decor like at the Beacon Bay! Fellys saw the Bend Band perform at Guitar Island per usual!

Later in the month, Camp Harlan opened for all Fellys just in time for Summer! Speaking of Fellys, Fellys got a new look to them! Legs and feet, with shoes and light blue skin, cool! On top of that, Fellys could now adopt the Dark Green Crab at the Nature Center!

In July, more games were added to the Felly Phone such as Party Matcher, Room Knowledge, Activity Cards, and Felly Fly!
Later that month, the Water Party: Summer Splash began, where Fellys just celebrated Summer with a SPLASH! More water, more fun!

On July 20th, Fellys went to the Laboratory to play the new mission, "Mysterious Waves", where Fellys were teamed up with Gary to repair a helicopter and find out what is causing the huge waves!

Finally, the Science Museum, Weather Station, and Planetary were all renovated, while the Patuna Park, Office, and Seaside Garden rooms all closed down for good. On the same day, rain clouds surrounded The Island, but it wouldn't start raining until August.

Rain finally began to fall on The Island at the beginning of August for the first time since September 2011! Umbrellas were made available a week earlier, so Fellys were prepared. This was Blade's chance to study the cumulonimbus cloud!

So Blade lifted The Island up to the cloud to study it, and threw a Cumulonimbus Party for Fellys who missed the Sky Festivals! Fellys could throw cloud puffs into a machine to keep The Island afloat, buy propeller hats, see The Island's biggest fan, ride the Cloudy Cruise and the Hot Air Balloon, and more!

In September, the Crab Rock was rightfully renamed to reflect more on it's owner, Gueffro, an old Cyclops who created the rock himself during prehistoric times!

We learned more about Gueffro at the Prehistoric Party: Iceberg Refreeze, where we had to save the Iceberg from melting after rain fell on it for 3 weeks!

After that, The Island celebrated the season of Autumn for the first time! Fellys could visit a petting zoo, rake leaves, eat pumpkin pie, play football, and more!

A chilly October came around, where Fellys could, just like last year, go on a ghost hunt at the Halloween Party, turned extra spooky this year with brand new, scarier decor!

On October 26th, "Horror Night Rave", The Island's 4th mission, was released, and Fellys had to save Halloween after Fellys were fooled into coming to a fake Halloween Party where costumes provided would turn them into what the costumes actually were!

After a scary October, it was time to celebrate a classic minigame- Karate Nibiru turned 10 on November 5th, many Ninjas celebrated with Salaman's first appearance since February!

During the event, party planners were working on revamping the Cinema temporarily for the Island Awards!

When the event was complete, all mascots would attend The Island's first ever ISLAND AWARDS! Fellys could vote for their favorite item, party, mascot, and even Crab of the year! Do you Fellys think Yesterfester tried voting for himself?

More furniture was released just in time for the awards show, and Fellys could decorate their home for the big event!

When the party began, a new room opened, too! At the Science Museum, there is a small hallway that will take you down to the Kraken Cave, a room with a giant speaker shaped like a tentacle that Blade build, hoping that when it plays a noise, it will eventually attract a Kraken!

To finish off the year, The Island threw a huge Holiday Party, fit with new classic-inspired decor!

On Christmas Day, Fellys were given the gift from the advent calendar of a brand new Gingerbread House!
Finally, Fellys celebrated the beginning of the new year at Downtown with the countdown and the New Year event!

2021 sure was eventful, wasn't it? So far, 2022 looks like it'll be an eventful year, too! Fellys will start off the year going on an adventure with Lando, will celebrate Crabs, and the 11th Anniversary Party! I wish you all a happy new year, thanks for reading!