Heya' Fellys!
The Dusk Day Party was no easy one to think of and create.
The party needed lots of thinking of how the story would go, and how the rooms would look like both on The Island and Dusk Island!
Fun fact, this party was originally going to be an entire mission called "Happy Dusk Day", but the plans for that was scrapped in late 2021.
The story was in the works since 2020, and the party was in progress since January 2022!
Here are some sketches drawn by Archerfelly, he does sketches to help me with some rooms!
Volcano Base:

And of the Shopping Center:

And here was one of my sketches shown on the blog a few months back, when talking about Summer on The Island! This sketch shows how I wanted the Lava Falls to look:

Late into the party's progress, I thought of how Demon Salaman would look, and made a sketch of him:

Originally, he was going to have more elements on his armor, as well as 3 arms, and fire feet.
Here is an early description of the party's story, which changed quite a bit:
Dusk has been working on a machine that just destroys things. To celebrate his birthday on June 21st, he is holding a Dusk Day "party" and has taken over The Island! Everything is his now, and Fellys must stop him!
As you travel to his island to locate the machine, you come across different parts of Dusk Island where you see his memories. This includes learning about Apollo, Dusk's long lost brother, more about Haze, Salaman's demon side, as well as why Dusk doesn't like The Island.
-Apollo: Dusk's long lost brother who is actually an angel. Apollo flew off far away to another island, but returns to persuade Dusk to stop attacking The Island after Fellys call for him.
-Haze: Haze doesn't appear, but pictures of herself before she was frozen can be seen in her house.
-Demon Salaman: Dusk hates Fellys because, similar to Nedd, he is jealous of how Salaman, his father, is in charge of The Island, and the power of infinity.
Here is what I wrote down in my party ideas list a while ago:
"Event where Dusk uses robo kraken and takes over mascots again- teaky is there, demon salaman debut, felly haze debut, pjh return, team up with mascots u save to rescue the island from being destroyed"
I do believe that the final product of the party is the best, and is one of the greatest parties, if not THE greatest party that The Island has ever had! I know Dusk's attacks are a favorite, so this party focusing on his biggest attack ever, plus the idea that to stop him, you have to get through a mission format, as well as the party being island-wide at the same time, definitely makes this party awesome!
Remember, save The Island! TI+ members can do the quest to stop Dusk now until July 5th!