Heya' Fellys!

Zachary is one of the "OG" mascots here on The Island, being a former pianist for the Bend Band (2011 - 2013), and now regularly searches for creatures with Harlan!
He is currently hosting a Crab Party on The Island, with a quest coming in a few days for the brand new Hermit Crab that he discovered with Lando!
Here's an interview with him, where he's asked some awesome questions! Let's learn more about Zachary!
Question: How many Crab colors exist?
Answer: "Well, uh... There's probably a lot. No confirmed spotting of a new regular Crab color as of late, though. I think I might of found a new shade of a Gray Crab, but I'll have to do more studying!"
Question: What is the strangest creature you've seen?
Answer: "That's gotta be the Felind. They haven't been seen since late 2012, so who knows what happened to them. But with how bizarre of a creature they were- Very very tall, one long arm, one short arm, red eyeballs, they were definitely the strangest creature I've come across."
Question: What is your favorite hobby other than exploring?
Answer: "Oh I'm a huge sports fan, mostly for soccer! You may have seen me on The Island during Crab Parties at the Soccer Field A LOT, watching the Silver Crabs play! I also play soccer myself- I think I'm pretty good, but not Favi Hopscotch good, of course. He's the best!"
Question: Do you have a favorite Crab color?
Answer: "Yikes. Uhhh, no! I actually don't. I love all of them! It's so hard for me to have a favorite when they're all so adorable!!! I just love Crabs so much, as well as the other animals! Love them!"
That is all the questions for Zachary that we've got. Hope you enjoyed reading and learned something new about him!