Today, we are going way back, as early as possible, to December 2010! That's right, The Island was... Sorta a thing back in late 2010. There were indeed Crabs, but this wasn't an island- It was a Crab Party!
Heya' Islanders! Welcome to Island Throwback, a series of blog posts where we look back at memories of The Island from the 13 years it's been around!

From December 2010 - February 28th, 2011, The Island was constantly a Crab Party! There were rooms for each Crab that was around at the time. You couldn't adopt them, only view them!

At the old "Crab Party", there was a room for each colored Crab: Blue, Brown, Green, Gray, Orange, Purple (Added in January 2011), Red, and White. While most of these images are lost and will never be seen again, luckily, three are still around- The Brown, Green, and Purple Crab's rooms!
No Felly can recall what the Blue or Gray Crab Rooms were like, however, the rest are remembered!
The Brown Crab Room, seen above, is a giant Pizza for them to eat!
The Green Crab Room, seen at the top of the post, was a stage for Green Crabs to sing and make music!
The Orange Crab Room was a big bowl that Orange Crabs cold skate in!

The Purple Crab Room, seen above, was an area for painting!
The Red Crab Room had arcade machines against the walls!
And the White Crab Room was a large mountain that White Crabs could snowboard down!
All of these rooms closed permanently as The Island was officially started on February 28th, 2011, where Fellys could adopt these Crabs at the Pet Store!