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Archipelago Games Blog

Island Jam On Now!

Heya' Islanders!

Awesome news, the Island Jam has officially begun!

The Island is decked out with rockin' decor! Lots of instruments to play, stages to perform on, and cool areas to interact with, like the music maker at the River Park!

After Fellys left Guitar Island in 2023, the Bend Band have been hard at work renovating their home. This year, we finally get to see the brand new look for Guitar Island, and Fellys all agree that it's AWESOME!

Bend Band Plaza is the spot to be, especially after June 25th, when epic items will be available from the merch stand, and the Nibiru-wide tour begins. But not only was the main spot of Guitar Island renovated, so was Nedd's House!

For the first time ever, Nedd decided to completely remodel his home. It has a bunch of cool little details for Fellys to see! Notice the Brown VIF Pass? Nedd owns it, and it's the rarest items on The Island, very few Fellys have it.

Back on The Island, you can watch performances from Beatz at the Arcade, and DJ Kraken at the Marina!

And of course, from now until June 22nd, you can see the Bend Band perform at the top of every hour for 5 minutes at the Soccer Field!

From June 22nd - 25th, they will be performing at the Field. Be sure to follow the tour schedule at Island Central!

There's lots to do at this year's Island Jam, and it's on now until July 2nd! Enjoy the party, Fellys, and of course, check back June 25th for new items, and the start of the Nibiru-wide tour!

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