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Archipelago Games Blog

In Focus: Fireworks Party 2020!

Heya' Fellys!

Welcome to this week's edition of In Focus, where we interview Fellys about the latest events going on at The Island! Today, we are interviewing Fellys about the Fireworks Party!

Let's get started!


Felly #1:

Q: What do you like most about the Fireworks Party this year?

A: I love the cookout at the Ship Deck!

Q: What is your preferred meal for the cookout?

A: Definitely burgers!


Felly #2:

Q: What is your favorite kind of firework?

A: I like the ones that sound like cereal.

Q: Least favorite?

A: The super loud ones. My hearing is sensitive, you know!


Felly #3:

Q: What year was your favorite Fireworks Party?

A: Definitely 2017's! It returned the Fireworks Platform, had fireworks all around The Island- It was even viewable at the Witch Academy!

Q: Least favorite?

A: I'm not sure I have a least favorite- They're all awesome, but 2017 was the best!

Well, there you have it. The Fireworks Party is on now until July 7th- Don't miss it!

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