Heya' Fellys!

It's official- The Island is NINE YEARS OLD!
It all started, technically, almost TEN years ago- In December of 2010, I created rooms when The Island was known as "Crab Party"! Here are some pictures:

Brown Crab Room!

Purple Crab Room!

Green Crab Room!
That's all the pictures available, but there were other rooms, of course.
And then... In February of 2011... February 28th, 2011... It became The Island with the opening of the Pet Shop!

The very first drawing of The Island. The Pet Shop. Be sure to spend a lot of time at the Pet Store today, as it still stands to this day!
February 28th, 2011 - February 28th, 2020. Without all of you, my friends, none of this would of been possible. Thank you for sticking around all these years, I love you all!!!