Heya' Islanders!
It's time to announce the next party of The Island. It's a new one!
Earlier in October, Fellys were introduced to Lloyd, a daring, brave Cryptid Hunter, who started up the Felind Spotters of Brachyura Island organization. Fellys can report to the Boardwalk Plaza and view the notice board to see hints of where a Felind has been sighted! Fellys can email Lloyd in the Felly Phone the location where they've seen the Felind at, to get rewarded with Islander Tokens.

This year, he kicks this organization up a notch with an entire party dedicated to it- the Festival of Cryptids!

Lloyd invites Fellys to explore around the eastern side of The Island's decor, fit to look like each Cryptid's habitat!
There will be 5 cryptids the party will focus on, being the Slime Monster, Felind, Dark Red Crab, Patuna Lake Monster, and the Rock Islander. As you might have noticed, the definition of a Cryptid is different to Lloyd than it is to us. He thinks these creatures are cryptids because of how rare they are, and because of how unique yet dangerous they can be.

The Cryptid Hunters HQ will be at Island Central, where mullet-rocker Lloyd will greet you and give you info on each Cryptid you'll be able to search for during the party. He will give you the Cryptid Camera, a camera specifically good at finding Cryptids with special technology built by Blade. You will use this camera to take photos and hand them over to Lloyd.

The party starts November 19th, and ends December 3rd. Don't miss out on this epic event for a chance to see the legendary creatures of Brachyura Island!