Heya' Fellys!
Have you seen the new camp themed rooms yet? They opened recently at Camp Harlan, check them out!
In other news, I felt like sharing some BIG plans that I have for The Island's future!
Some of these may end up being scrapped, or won't be a feature until a long time, but I thought it'd be cool to share these ideas anyway!
First, let's start off big...
Day & Night Cycle
That's right! A day & night cycle would be huge for The Island- Not only would it make the game feel more alive, but it'd also mean that the "orbit" would finally be normal! For as long as TI has been a thing, the reason there hasn't been night time as often has been because Nibiru barely spins and that the orbit is very strange. Soon things could change, though! This idea may be scrapped or may not happen for a while, but time will tell!
Quicker Lightboxes
This is a feature that would take quite a long time to do. This is to make it so all the lightboxes pop up when clicked instantly. Currently, they only pop up fast the 2nd time you open them. Making them pop up quicker means adding them on to the pages themselves, which also means that sounds could be better with them! Once again, time will tell if this will ever be a feature or not. Perhaps this can be rolled out gradually, who knows?
Online Islanders
The Island has over 130 rooms as of this blog post, with many more rooms planned on being added in the coming months and beyond. The "Online Islanders" feature would be useful when playing with friends! This has been planned for quite some time now. It is a feature that would show an online Islander's profile picture at a spot on the page, and it would tell you what room they are currently in! However, this feature may be a while away from happening, as it'd be pretty tricky to get working.
Super Interactable Rooms
The title of this one may sound confusing, but it's actually a pretty simple idea. A feature I have planned ever since March is one where, for example, you are at the Restaurant, and you want to sit down. You click on an area to sit and you will switch to your POV sitting at a table, then you order food that way, and can actually let your islander eat it! While this sounds cool, it'd take a really long time to add- And there are plenty of other similar ideas that could work with it as well!
Random Felly Dialogue
To make The Island feel even more alive, I've considered adding several Fellys outside that you could just randomly talk to, however, this idea is most likely not going to happen.
New Play Page Look
Finally, I have plans to change the layout, but probably not until later this year. The layout will be mostly the same, but the buttons at the bottom of the screen will change to bubble icons!

When clicking a bubble, it'd play an animation of changing from a bubble to a box (The animation probably won't end up being done in the final version of this). The background and the general look will be the same, just with bubble icons instead!
Which idea do you like the best? I am hoping to have a day & night cycle happen on The Island, but again, we may be a while out from that. As always, stay tuned for more info!