Heya' Fellys!
As some of you know, recently, another artist by the name of Archerfelly has been helping me out with some of The Island's drawings. For example...

He is responsible for how the Park looked at the Medieval Party back in September 2020!

I thought it'd be a cool idea to show you Fellys more art that he's done for The Island recently, he's done quite a few, and some very cool looking rooms & decorations are his ideas! Let's go through some!

The Town Center at the Cumulonimbus Party in August 2021!

The Lighthouse at the Halloween Party 2021!

The Beacon Bay at the Pirate Party 2022!

The Pirate Port!
Here are his drawings of Crab Capital, so you can get a little bit of an idea of how it will look:

Those are all the ones I can show you. A big thank you to our island's fellow artist, Archerfelly!