Heya' Fellys

It's another one of those times where Fellys can actually MEET Teaky! One of The Island's news reporters, Kurri, also former Awards Show Host from the Movie Festival 2013, couldn't miss out on interviewing him!
Kurri: So you haven't been back to The Island since you left back in February 2012. Have you ever thought of coming back?
Teaky: I would love to visit again one day. Maybe throw a Teaky Party and I'll come by and visit. I have a fear of how ships can get destroyed by Krakens and mysterious things underwater, so I don't like the Felly Cruise, which is one of the only ways to get back.
Kurri: What is the craziest thing you've seen underwater?
Teaky: Definitely that Kraken that turned out to be that one thing, Dusk, whatever he is. Before that, it was a giant Crab. Pretty sure that wasn't a robot. I put a sign up at the Coral Path (it was an underwater room near the Dance Club at the Lake if it's not around anymore) asking if any Felly has seen him, but since I left later that month, I never heard if a Felly saw one until now, which now I know that answer is no.
Kurri: How did you get the lifeguard job on The Island?
Teaky: Taught a Felly how to swim, proving my knowledge on water. It was abrupt, but I became a lifeguard in time for the Pool Party.
Kurri: Do you have a favorite memory on The Island?
Teaky: Honestly, 10 years ago, never did I imagine I would be such a mystery to you all. The mystery of what happened to me, I didn't know I was so loved- My favorite memory is where this island began. I was there when the Crab Pet Shop was completed, open for all and Fellys were adopting Crabs left and right, and exploring the large open fields that The Island was at the time, nothing but one building and some mountains.
Kurri: Last thing, this isn't a question, but can you draw the Town Center like how you last remembered it?
Teaky: Uh, sure thing.

And there you have it! Nice drawing by Teaky there at the end, guess he was a little bit off on the 2012 Town Center, but he remembers a lot still!
Maybe Teaky will visit us again someday soon, until then, enjoy the visit to his island until July 27th!